If you search Amazon for “smart doorbell” and you are greeted with over 1,000 results. It seems everyone wants in on this new trend, and why not, there’s lots of reasons to have one. I’ll cover those soon.
My goal here is to narrow down the options to my 2 favorite Alexa compatible smart doorbells. I’m also going to show you the features to look for so you why I selected these models. The reason for 2 models is to give you the best budget option if you want to save some money and give you the best overall option if you can afford to spend a little more.
Best Alexa Compatible Doorbells
Budget Option
My budget choice is the Ring Video Doorbell (original)
Click here to check it out on Amazon
Best Overall
My pick for best overall is the Ring Video Doorbell Pro
Click here to check it out on Amazon
I’m sure you noticed that both picks are from Ring. The reason for that is simple. Currently, Ring is the only manufacturer at any price that allows you to view the camera from the Echo Show or Spot. With this review being focused on the best Alexa compatible models it makes them the obvious choice.
Why should you want a Smart Doorbell?
Smart doorbells do much more than traditional options. They improve safety, comfort and convenience for your family. In addition to notifying you when someone presses the button you can get alerted when someone walks onto your porch. You can see who’s there. You will have the ability to talk to your guest even if you are thousands of miles away (but they won’t know that). Lastly you might have video evidence in case someone does break in or steals a package from your porch.
Examples of the advantages of having a smart doorbell
Example 1: Package Deliveries
The moment a delivery person steps on your porch you receive and alert. You then access the live video via your smart phone or tablet to see what’s going on. If you are home, you can go and retrieve the package. If you are away from home, you know that package is there waiting for you. If someone tries to take the package from your porch you will again be notified. You can attempt to deter them using the built-in 2-way audio. If that doesn’t work, you will still have the video feed or still image to aid in catching the thief.
Example 2: Children Arriving Home from School
Your children arrive home from school around 3:30pm, but you don’t get off work until 5:00pm. You know they are fine once they get in the house, but knowing they made it home safely is still a concern. If your children are like mine, they might forget that call or text to let you know they made it home. Just like with the package delivery you receive an alert when they approach the door. A quick check of the video and you know they made it home safe and sound.
Example 3: Away from home
You might be relaxing by the pool on vacation when someone rings the doorbell. You receive an alert on your phone that lets you know someone is there. They don’t look familiar, you can tell them you can’t make it to the door right now, but they never have to know the home is empty. This ability paired with a smart lighting system, that could turn the porch light on, makes it very difficult for would be burglars to know if the home is occupied or not. You can check out my favorite Alexa enabled smart lighting systems here.
Example 4: Elderly or physically challenged
Maybe getting to the door and opening it is difficult for you. The smart doorbell will let you see and talk to your visitor without actually moving to the door. Another way to enhance this functionality would be to add a smart door lock like the August Smart Lock. Now you can not only see and talk to the person at the door, but let them in as well.
Example 5: Outdoor Gate
If you have an outdoor gate at a pool or boat dock this is another great place for smart doorbell paired with a smart gate lock. When someone arrives at the gate you are able to see who is there and grant them access. Click here to find out how to setup a smart outdoor gate lock.
Smart Doorbell features to look for
You can spend days looking at features and specs, but unless you know what they mean in terms of actual use and performance what good would it do? Here’s a quick look at the key features you should consider to get the right smart doorbell.
Amazon Alexa Compatibility
Since the title of this article is “Best Alexa Compatible Smart Doorbell” the first feature We’ll look at is how and what you can do with Alexa.
At a minimum I am requiring that you can view the camera on an Echo Show or Spot.
Here is a list of other Alexa enabled features to look for:
- Start / Stop recording of video
- Take a still image
- Enable / Disable quiet mode
- 2-way audio with doorbell (currently not available on any model, but I don’t get why)
Video Quality
I’m sure you have seen that surveillance footage on the news where you can barely even tell it’s a person in the video. While everyone claims HD resolution, there is a wide range of image quality between different models. Technically, any resolution 720p or higher is considered HD, but that only tells half the story. The image processing and way it is transmitted to your phone or the cloud can make even the best camera image sensor look bad. Both of my recommended picks have great reviews when it comes to image quality.
Video Storage
If security is your main concern, then video storage is a must have feature. Most models allow you to access your video from an app, while others also allow desktop and local DVR viewing.
Cloud Storage
With cloud storage, video and still images can automatically be uploaded where you can access them later or they can be shared with law enforcement.
All the top video doorbells include cloud storage, but many of them charge a monthly fee for the service. If you already have smart cameras and pay for cloud backup and storage you should consider a doorbell by the same manufacturer to avoid paying for 2 services. If this is your first video product, make sure to consider the cost of cloud storage into you buying decision.
Local Storage
With local storage you have full control of your video clips. You won’t have to worry about a paying a 3rd party to have access via their website or app. A major advantage of local storage is that your video clips will still be saved even if your internet connection goes out.
Doorbell cameras can be equipped with 2 types of local storage:
- Option 1 – SD Card, Doorbells equipped with an SD card slot allow you to store the info directly to the card. Your storage capacity is only limited by the size of card you install. The downside of this option is that the card is located in the doorbell. Someone could steal the whole thing and you are left with no evidence.
- Option 2 – Local Network, If you already have an IP based camera system with a DVR you can link your doorbell camera up to your existing system. This is a great solution to have all your security footage in one location.
2-Way Audio
In addition to seeing who is at the door 2-way audio allows you to talk to them. This feature is accessed through the doorbells app and typically works anywhere you have an internet connection. That means your visitor won’t know if you are home or not.
Motion Detection
This feature enables alerts and recording even if someone doesn’t actually press the doorbell button. If you are looking for a smart doorbell for security purposes this is something you need to have. Like most features there are some differences between the various models.
Adjustable motion detection is one of the features you should look for. The ability to adjust the sensitivity and area where motion is detected is critical to preventing false alarms. Imagine getting an alert every time a car passed by your house, or whenever the wind caused a tree branch to sway. The most advanced systems like the Ring Pro allow you to define an area as well as a distance for motion detection.
Night Vision
A clear picture during the day is easy but getting a nice image when it’s dark is a little harder. There are 3 ways to get an image at night.
Option 1:
The fist way is to use the camera and it’s software to brighten the image. This is the lowest quality option and when there is little to no light, you will have little to no image.
Option 2:
Color night vision with illumination. The only way to get a quality full color image at night is to add light. Some smart doorbells like the August Doorbell Cam Pro turn on LEDs to light the area when motion is detected at night.
Option 3:
Infrared is the most common form of night vision for doorbell and security cameras. Infrared works by using LEDs to emit light below the visible spectrum. This light is picked up by the camera and creates a black and white image. Although you don’t have color with this option it has the advantage of being more inconspicuous. A faint red glow is all you see with your eyes.
A color image looks pretty, but the bottom line is, you want to see what is going on, and infrared works just as well. Make sure you choose a model with some type of illumination.
Field of View
Also known as viewing angle, this is how wide the camera can see. A wider field of view allows you to see more of what’s going on around the doorbell. This becomes more useful the farther your doorbell is from the edge of the door. With a narrow field of view and a doorbell that isn’t mounted right to the door frame you could have an image with only ½ a person in view.
Some doorbells offer wedge kits that can be installed between the doorbell and your wall or door frame. These kits angle the doorbell slightly to help center up the image.
The downside to a wide field of view is that It creates a fish bowl effect distorting the edges of the image. In my opinion seeing more in the picture is worth a little distortion.
Hardwired or Battery Powered
This is probably the biggest concern for installation. Some options like the Ring Video Doorbell 2 are powered by a rechargeable battery pack. This makes installation quick and easy, especially if you don’t have an existing doorbell.
Most options and both of my recommended picks can be powered by your existing doorbell wiring. If you don’t have an existing doorbell hardwire powered models can be used, but you will need to run a wire and install a power supply and resistor to make the doorbell function.
Although, it doesn’t change the function, style is also an important factor. This is something you will probably see almost every day and if it doesn’t look good you may regret your decision. Luckily most smart video doorbells out there look pretty good. Many of them have additional faceplates or skins that can be used to change the color of the doorbell to match the style of your home. One thing to look out for is that while some manufacturers include the additional covers with the unit, others are sold separately.
The overall size of the doorbell can also play a factor in your decision. If your existing doorbell is mounted on the door frame you will need a very narrow model line the Ring Pro.
Quiet Mode
If you have young children who take naps this feature could be a lifesaver. Quiet mode allows you to silence the door chime, so it doesn’t wake the baby.
Plays well with others (compatibility)
We already went over Alexa, so this will focus on other systems. A smart doorbell might be the first smart home device you purchase, or you might have a home full of other smart things and this is the finishing piece. In either case you should make sure to choose a doorbell that is compatible with other systems and devices. If you’re looking for a smart home hub you can find my recommendation here.
An example of this type of interaction is the ability to turn your porch light on when the doorbell button is pressed at night. You could even trigger inside lights to flash inside your home in addition to the bell chime.
Here are a few of the integration options to look for:
- SmartThings
- Wink
- Nest
- Apple Homekit
Best overall: Ring Doorbell Pro
This model looks great with its slim design and 4 interchangeable color options. It’s also loaded with features.
First, a look at how this doorbell works with Alexa. The following commands can be used:
- Get a live video feed by saying “Alexa, show my front door”
- Stop the live feed by saying “Alexa, hide my front door”
The phrase “front door” can be replaced with any name you decide to give your ring doorbell. I would like the ability to start/stop recording and enable a quiet mode, but they did get the most important feature. Another feature missing is the ability to have your doorbell ring on an Echo product.
Installation Process
With an existing hard-wired doorbell and a slightly handy person, installation should be no problem. Remember to turn off the breaker that powers your doorbell before starting the installation.
<iframe width=”854″ height=”480″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/KJha3c2HMyw” frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen></iframe>
The installation process can be broken down into 3 steps:
- Install the Pro Power Kit on your doorbell chime
- Remove your existing doorbell and install the Ring Pro
- Link the Ring Pro to your WiFi, ring account and Alexa app
Installing the Pro Power Kit
The Pro Power Kit is required so the smart doorbell receives enough power without causing your chime to ring when it shouldn’t. To install it remove the existing 2 wires from your chime and connect the module. Then reconnect your chime. The whole process should only take a few minutes.
Mounting the doorbell
The mounting. hardware, a screwdriver and a drill bit are all included in the box. After removing your existing doorbell, you need to install the mounting plate. Next connect the wires and mount the doorbell. Like the power kit mounting the doorbell shouldn’t take too long.
The whole installation process can easily be done in under an hour. Making this a job you could fit in almost any day of the week.
Setting up your Doorbell
The last step is setting up your new doorbell. This step is completed using the Ring app on your smart phone or tablet. After setting up the Ring app you will also need to add the Ring skill to your Alexa account to take advantage of your Echo.
Once your doorbell is installed and activated you can access the video feed 3 ways. Through the app, via the ring website or on an echo show or spot.
A Note about powering the Ring Pro
If you don’t have an existing doorbell that doesn’t mean you can’t use this model, but it does mean a little more work for you. You will have to run wires to power the doorbell and there are 2 options to do it.
- Install a hardwired doorbell chime and transformer like this one.
- Install plug-in adapter like this.
Ring Pro Advantages
Motion Detection
The motion detection options are one of the reasons this is my top pick. While most video doorbells allow you to define zones for motion detection this one lets you select the area using the actual camera view, making it easy to block out cars or tree branches that may set off other models.

ring video doorbell pro motion setup
Video Resolution
With a full 1080p camera this model has great image quality. Being the 3rd generation from Ring the camera, night vision and video processing are all top notch.
Another advantage of the Pro is its compact size. This doorbell is one of the smallest models on the market and about ½ the size of the budget pick.
Ring Video Doorbell Pro Specs:
- Video: 1080p with infrared night vision
- 2-way audio: Yes, via smartphone app
- Motion detection: Customizable zones
- Power Source: Hardwired (16-24 vac)
- Field of View: 160 degrees horizontal, 100 degrees vertical
- Indoor Chime: Yes, existing chime or ring wireless
- Quiet mode: sort of (see below)
- Compatibility: Alexa,Google Assistant, SmartThings, Wink
- Dimensions: 4.5” tall x 1.5” wide x 0.80” deep
Ring Cloud Storage
The only way to save video and images besides taking a screenshot with live view is to have an active Ring Protect Subscription. There are 2 options Basic which offers 1 camera support at $30 for the year or $3 per month.
If you have more than 1 Ring devices you can purchase individual subscriptions for each device or upgrade to the Plus plan that allows unlimited cameras and throws in a warranty on your Ring cameras for as long as you have an active subscription. The Plus Plan will set you back $100 for the year or $10 each if you choose monthly payments.
One free feature is the Ring Neighborhood. Even without a protect subscription you have access to this. The Ring Neighborhood allows you to share images from your Ring cameras with other Ring users in your area. From inside the app you define your “neighborhood” then you will receive alerts when anyone within that area shares an image or video.
Technically ring doesn’t have a quiet mode. What is does offer is the ability to disable your hardwired chime from the app settings. While this is more cumbersome than simply selecting quiet mode it does accomplish the same thing. One thing to note is that if you are using Ring wireless chimes this setting will not disable them.
No battery powered options. If you don’t have an existing doorbell and can’t or aren’t interested in running wires unfortunately this option won’t work for you. Another option would be the updated Ring Video Doorbell 2, this is a step up from the budget pick and still offers a battery only option.
Budget Option: Ring Video Doorbell (original)
While not as advanced as the Pro model the original Ring doorbell is one of the best low cost smart video doorbells. One major advantage over the Pro model is the option of using battery power only.
Installation of the Ring Video Doorbell is very similar to the Pro model above. I won’t go through all the steps again, but Just point out the differences.
- Difference 1: The Pro Power Kit is not needed
- Difference 2: This model has a battery so if you don’t have a hardwired doorbell this model can be completely wireless
Solar Charger
In addition to the battery and hardwired options a solar charger is also available. The solar charger installs around the doorbell making it considerably wider. I wouldn’t suggest using this if your doorbell is on a covered porch because you won’t get enough sunlight. If your doorbell is exposed to direct sunlight for most of the day this would work great.

ring video doorbell solar charger
Video resolution
This model only features a 720p camera. Compared to the Pro you are giving up quite a bit of resolution. On the other hand, it is just as good as many higher priced options, so if you are looking to save a few bucks don’t worry too much about the lower resolution.
Motion Detection
Unlike the Pro model this one uses 6 predefined zones with a range adjustment. While it still works great and uses IR to prevent false alarms it isn’t as customizable as the Pro.

ring video doorbell motion zones
Sleep Mode
To conserve battery power the doorbell will go to sleep when not hardwired. If you try to access the video feed from your Echo it will attempt to “wake up” your doorbell. Sometimes this process doesn’t work and the only way to see the live feed is via the app.
Ring Video Doorbell Specs:
- Video: 720p with infrared night vision
- 2-way audio: Yes, via smartphone app
- Motion detection: Selectable zones
- Power Source: Battery or Hardwired (16-24 vac)
- Field of View: 180 degrees horizontal
- Indoor Chime: Yes, existing chime or ring wireless
- Quiet mode: sort of (see drawbacks for the Pro above)
- Compatibility: Alexa,Google Assistant, SmartThings, Wink
- Dimensions: 4.98” tall x 2.43” wide x 0.87” deep
Why not the Video Doorbell 2?
The reason I am not recommending the Ring Video Doorbell 2 is simply because of price. To make a clearer distinction between the Budget and Best overall options I picked the original model. The second generation model does have some improvements over the original so if you are looking for a step up, but don’t want to move to the Pro, or want to keep the Battery option this might be the one for you.
Ring Video Doorbell vs Video Doorbell 2
Video Doorbell | Video Doorbell 2 | |
Price | $$ | $$$ |
Power | Battery or hardwire | Battery or hardwire
(quick-release battery) |
Video Resolution | 720p | 1080p |
Colors | 4 (must select when buying) | 2 (both included) |
Field of View | 180 degrees | 160 degrees |
Size | 4.98” x 2.43” x 0.87” | 5.05” x 2.50” x 1.08” |
Almost made the cut
The SkyBell HD WiFi Video Doorbell was close to becoming my best overall pick.
The SkyBell is loaded with great features.
- Free cloud storage (7-day)
- Pre-recording that stores a few seconds before motion was detected to make sure you don’t miss anything
- Full-color night vision
Because I am focusing on Alexa compatible doorbells, the deal-breaker for the SkyBell is that you can’t see the video feed from the Echo Show or Spot. While it is compatible you are limited to turning recording on, taking still images, and activating quiet mode. If viewing of the camera feed becomes available I will update this review.
What’s coming soon
My budget pick could soon be replaced by the upcoming Blink Video Doorbell. Expected to be out within the next few months the Blink doorbell will be weather proof and include “instant-on motion detection”, live view, 2-way audio, night vision, HD video and will be wireless with and advertised 2-year battery life. It is also going to include free cloud video storage. The expected price for the doorbell is $99 dollars making it a great deal. If it lives up to the hype it may even replace my best overall pick of the Ring Pro Video Doorbell.
Another well know smart home brand Nest, is releasing a doorbell in March of 2018. The Nest Hello Smart Doorbell has a preorder price of $229 putting it on the higher end. Nest is claiming several features like HDR video to dramatically images with very bright or dark backgrounds, and a 4:3 image ratio to provide a taller image.
When these new options hit the market, I will be sure to update this review. For now both of my recommended options would make great choices for your home. If you can afford the small premium and already have an existing doorbell I highly recommend getting the Ring Video Doorbell Pro.
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions or would like to share your experience with any of the models mentioned, please leave a comment below.
One Comment on “Best Alexa Compatible Smart Doorbell [2 Best Models]”
will hi hi phone work with any door bells